Essential CSR 11.5 features. Part III- Unity Connection is in the mix

Copywriters, brace yourselves, Unity Connection 11.5 is coming!

Unity Connection 11.5 voice mailAfter discussing version 11.5 of IM&P and CUCM its Unity Connection 11.5 turn.
Although no records were broken with the number of new features, there are definitely some new exiting ones.  Here is a sneak peek of what Unity Connection 11.5 has to offer.

Video messaging is on!

After the introduction of video greetings and video auto attendant in previous versions, Unity Connection 11.5 introduces a new feature to the bunch that takes messaging one step further and would allow you to leave a video message as a voice mail.
This fact puts a lot of copywriters out there under pressure looking to re-brand the good old “Voice Mail” to something more relevant..
This is still a very basic version of the feature that would be working only for video enabled (integrated) desk phones and for Ring No Answer scenario only.
Keep in mind that Cisco Media Sense would be required to handle the video portion of the message.

One PIN to rule them all

Making a long story short, starting with Unity Connection 11.5 PIN numbers will be synched between CUCM and CUC.
You can read more about it here

New media player support

Boy, was I happy to hear that. Following the major’s browsers announcements to discontinue Java support, Cisco had introduced a new player that would hopefully reduce the number of broken keyboards and agonized men.
Let us hold hands and pray.

Custom roles are here (at last)

The long awaited feature is here. You will now be able to granularly control what your users may or may not do within Unity Connection administration.

New Microsoft products support

Cisco has verified and updated interop with some new MS products to work with Unity Connection.
These would include Exchange Server and Outlook 2016, Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge browser.