Using Wireshark SIP Analysis for VoIP scenarios

Troubleshooting VoIP issues can be troublesome. When something goes wrong, the lack of direct visibility as to what is occurring on the network with SIP and RTP packets can initially be intimidating to network and voice engineers. However, Wireshark SIP analysis turns ordinary engineers into superheroes, allowing them to see deep into the network and determine exactly what is happening.

In a series of previous articles, we took a look at several methods that can be used to capture voice packets on a network. We also introduced the Wireshark packet sniffing software, providing you with a solid foundation for understanding how captured packets are obtained and stored.

In this article, we’ll get our hands dirty by examining a real voice packet capture from a production network. We’ll go through the whole scenario, delving deeply into the details of the voice packets being exchanged. Let’s get started!

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Wireshark Packet Analysis – A Preparation for VoIP Analysis

When there’s trouble in the network, and voice services are suffering, those in need will call upon you, the networking superhero! As a superhero, you use your x-ray vision to zoom in to the microscopic world of voice packets, to perform a Wireshark packet analysis, and to investigate the malfunction and make things right. Then you will be hailed as the liberator and protector of the network!

Continue reading Wireshark Packet Analysis – A Preparation for VoIP Analysis